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Basic data in a sentence

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Sentence count:55Posted:2023-03-01Updated:2023-03-01
Similar words: public datatraffic datanumeric datagraphic databasic designautomatic data processingelectronic data processingelectronic data interchange
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1. A variety of basic data type conversion source.
2. Keyboard code location relative speed equivalence is a basic data for optimizing Chinese-Character keyboard entry and can be used to compare various Chinese-character entry methods scientifically.
3. The basic data thus obtained could be used for the calculation of the isentropic efficiency in the expanding process of natural gas in refrigeration.
4. Pressure drop is the basic data for design and operation of a gas - liquid impinging stream scrubber.
5. Basic data are analyzed by means of T - test or ANOVA.
6. Start from the combing of the basic data, we obtain dynamic adjustment of staffing through forecasting telephone traffic and operator service.
7. Objective To provide basic data for anthropology and clinical practice, bony semicircular canals of internal ear in adult were measured.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. Based on TM image as basic data , landscape pattern character changes of Dapeng Peninsula from 1985 to 2005 was analyzed which supported by GIS and landscape analysis software FRAGSTATES.
9. Objective To provide measurement methods and basic data for computer technology to be used for the manufacture of root processus of complete denture.
10. So as a basic data module, the computing of BOM level code is an important part to make the ERP software successfully.
11. The aim of this research is to provide basic data for the natural resource uses and degradated ecosystems restoration and rehabilitation.
12. Each basic data type includes data and operations, the components of an ADT.
13. The basic data table contains information table of equipment and information table of test task.
14. The basic data was prepared for production processing in NC machine tool.
15. The result provides some basic data for wood property analysis, scientific processing and high-efficiency utilization of conifer wood.
16. In the end, with the statistic principles, and basic data over years to validate the through capacity model by a mathematical model, and concludes the adaptable through capacity for every grade port.
17. Price forecasting to supply basic data for corporate planning and reporting.
18. A basic data path configuration capable of processing the microcontroller basic instruction set was developed first.
19. The rehabilitation archives of hearing-impaired children keep the basic data of the complete process of hearing and speech rehabilitation, thus have significant values in both theory and practice.
20. The basic data type for adequacy measurement is analyzed, and the data relevancy model is established.
21. Then, the thesis establishes the basic data module of the dynamic traffic information platform.
22. Objective:To investigate the condition of flatfoot of soldiers and its relation to motor ability, thus to provide basic data for recruitment and training of army.
23. Customer churn model, consists of basic model and behavioral model, is built based on analysis of the churned customers' basic data and behavioral history.
24. Finally, the best prescript of nano epoxy bond coating is recommended. The basic data are recommended for the aim of usage in bonding field.
25. Objective To Measure and analyze the distribution of body fat and total body water in Chinese with different age and sex, so as to provide the basic data for normal standard.
26. Objective To comprehend the awareness rate of the related knowledge about AIDS' transmission routes in prevalent epidemical area in order to provide basic data for cutting off the transmission.
27. Quotes Interface Specification Yinjiang V 1.02, stock analysis software contains the basic data structure.
28. A random array edge table is described as a basic data structure to form a plane chart, instead of the concepts about inner or outer rounding ring and point table.
29. The estimate of kc was 0 6529. This study provided basic data for establishing a sequential sampling plan for Maladera sp.
30. Listing 1 shows the classes I'll use for the basic data structure representation.
More similar words: public datatraffic datanumeric datagraphic databasic designautomatic data processingelectronic data processingelectronic data interchangecatalog databasebasicabasicbasicsdibasicbasic paybasicitytribasicbasic formbasic lawbasicallybasic ratebasic linebasic stepbasic linkbasic codebasic wagepolybasicmonobasicbasic blackbasic pricebasic cycle
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